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Skin care blog

Educating you on your path to glowing skin is a cornerstone of our mission. Here, you’ll find our learnings to help you address your skin’s unique needs.

What Is Broad Spectrum Spf

What is broad spectrum SPF?

Protect against the entire UV spectrum   The number one cause of premature aging is sun exposure. The good news is there’s a simple daily preventative measure that is proven to dramatically reduce skin cancer and visible signs of aging lik

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Top 3 Caffeome Benefits in Skincare

Top 3 caffeine benefits in skin care

Protect, prevent and refresh Caffeine is a regular part of most people’s morning routines, “Ok, but first coffee.” However, caffeine is being found in another part of your morning routine more and more – your skincare products

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What are they? Here at PCA SKIN, we talk a lot — a lot — about peptides and all the magic they do for your skin. But, what are peptides and why are we so obsessed with them? Essentially, peptides are thinkers. They tell our cells what to

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Three Advanced Actions for Instant and Long Lasting Results (2)

Three advanced actions for instant and long-lasting results

Taking hyaluronic acid to the next level   Hyaluronic acid (HA for short) is a molecule that naturally occurs in your skin – it helps your skin to hold onto moisture and maintain elasticity, keeping wrinkles at bay. As we age, our natural

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The Power of Vitamin C

The power of C

Anti-aging and UV protection with Vitamin C Turns out, mom was right. Your morning glass of orange juice is essential to get your body going and keep it healthy. Orange juice is packed full of the essential antioxidant L-ascorbic acid (also known as

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Your Best Skincare Friend

Your best skincare friend

How to choose the perfect skincare professional for you Your professional is your closest skincare ally — the person you trust to help you put your best face forward every day. Finding a professional that will cater services to your specific ne

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Plant Stem Cells

Plant stem cells

Bring new life to your skincare   Stem cells are a huge trend in skincare, but what do they really do for your skin? Stem cells are often called “blank” cells because they are undifferentiated, meaning they can be duplicated and made

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What Is Retinol

What is retinol?

The superhero ingredient for skincare   Retinol gets a lot of attention for its skin health benefits, including the increase in your skin’s natural cell turnover rate, removal of dead skin cells that clog pores and an increase in collagen

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Choosing Effective Sunscreen

Choosing effective sunscreen

Wearing a sunscreen every day is one the best things you can do to maintain youthful skin. Equally important is understanding what type of sunscreen you are applying. For optimal protection against the sun’s harmful rays, choose a broad spectru

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The History of Retinol

The history of retinol

Retinol has a deeper history than you might expect Retinol has a deeper history than you might expect Retinol has been touted as a superhero ingredient for your skin and it’s no wonder why. When used in skincare, retinol promotes healthy cell t

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What Strenght of Retinol Gives the Best Results


It's all about the delivery system When shopping for skincare, many people think the more of a healthy skin ingredient, the better. The reality is that skincare still falls under this general rule: everything in moderation. Instead of looking for mor

Ingredient education

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Normal Skin + 2 more

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris a ligula sed lacus imperdiet posuere id sit amet.

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