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Summer Skin Prep

Is your skin ready for warmer weather?


As the weather slowly starts to heat up, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about prepping your skin for the warmer summer months before the season is in full swing. By preparing the skin appropriately, you’ll do wonders to avoid some summer damage from more time spent in the sun, including dark spots and sunburn.


Professional treatments:

Professional treatments that feature masks and other peel alternatives are great during the summertime. Enzyme masks, such as pumpkin or papaya, work to dissolve skin cells on the surface of the skin and regulate oil production, keeping the pores clear of debris. Antioxidant treatments are another good option – they help give the skin a much-needed boost of antioxidants that can help protect the skin from UV damage during the months where UV exposure is at its peak.


If you regularly get chemical peels, consider scheduling a professional peel and ask your PCA SKIN Certified Professional how to keep the skin cool after a treatment during the summer months.


At-home additions:

Daily care products that have powerful antioxidants will keep the skin protected and healthy throughout the summer. Start early, incorporating ingredients like vitamins C and E before the summer hits to allow your skin to get used to these ingredients. You’ll go into summer with strong, healthy skin, preemptively preventing damage. Continued use of your antioxidants products every morning throughout the summer — and the rest of the year! — will give your skin an extra boost of UV protection and prevent skin damage.


Sun protection:

Make sure to apply a broad spectrum SPF of at least 30 every day and stock up on your favorite SPF product if you’re going on vacation so you don’t run out. Sheer Tint Broad Spectrum SPF 45 is a great go-to sunscreen for summer months. Water resistant and with a universal tint, this favorite can be worn under makeup or solo, whether you’re hiking, swimming or out with friends.


Aside from sunscreen, there are other important forms of sun protection. Wide-brimmed hats can help prevent UV rays from hitting your face so you can avoid sunburn and, most importantly, sun damage like dark spots and premature aging. Avoiding being in direct sunlight during peak hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) is also essential in avoiding those harmful UV rays.