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Learning the Signs of Melanoma

What to watch for

For people with moles, learning to identify clues that indicate melanoma is vital. These markings are generally harmless, but occasionally can become cancerous. However, with proper education and a quick self-check a few times a year, it’s easy to call out changes and identify any potential cancers before they become life threatening. Below, we’ve listed what is referred to as the “ABCDEs of Melanoma,” a guide to help you remember what to look out for.

• A – Asymmetry: Symmetrical moles are generally benign and nothing to worry about. If you notice asymmetry in a mole, get in touch with your doctor.
• B – Border: Smooth and even borders are a sign of a benign mole. Melanomas are often uneven with jagged edges.
• C – Color: If your mole is a uniform shade, you likely have nothing to worry about. If your mole develops different shades or already has them, contact your doctor to get it checked out.
• D – Diameter: If your mole grows in size, it’s important to let your doctor know.
• E – Evolving: In general, moles that are benign look the same over many years. It’s important to take note if they change in any way, as it could be a sign of melanoma.
Skin markings are different for everyone, so it’s best to get any moles you have, checked on an annual basis, and to ask your doctor what you need to look for. If you have any concerns or questions about a mole, PCA SKIN recommends visiting your dermatologist.

And always remember to wear your sunscreen every day. Wearing a broad spectrum sunscreen daily can reduce your risk of developing Melanoma by 50%.* PCA SKIN broad spectrum SPF products protect from both UVA and UVB rays while providing extra antioxidant protection.