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Raise your hand if you use makeup with an SPF in it. Now, raise your hand if you don’t apply sunscreen under your powder or foundation. You’re not alone – 70% of women don’t wear sunscreen every day, many of them assuming that the SPF in their makeup protects them from sun damage. But that’s simply not true – the makeup in your SPF isn’t enough.


Why should you care? The right SPF is the best anti-aging product. Sun damage is the number one cause of visible aging – wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots.


Simply put, while the SPF in your makeup will provide some coverage, you just don’t apply enough to get the full benefits. Now, we’re not saying makeup with SPF is bad – just the opposite, it’s great so long as you use it with a broad spectrum SPF. It provides additional protection from the sun’s harmful rays.


Sunscreen should be the final step in your daily care regimen after cleansing, toning and using any corrective serums or creams. You can follow up with your makeup, including the products that contain the additional SPF.


Here is what you need to know:

  • The amount of SPF in your foundation is not the same as what you’ll be getting in a sunscreen. Plus, after touching your face, blowing your nose and blotting at oily spots on your forehead all day, it wears off, leaving your skin vulnerable to UV rays the next time you go out in the sun. By applying sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 beneath your makeup, you’re protected and good to go.
  • You should apply enough sunscreen to cover any exposed skin on your face, neck and chest. When you’re preparing for a full day in the sun, a shot glass worth is recommended to cover the entire body — head to toe. For the best protection, apply sunscreen every day, year-round, in every type of weather at least 15 minutes before leaving the house.
  • With the right SPF, you can wave goodbye to an additional moisturizer in your regimen. For those who haven’t made sunscreen a daily habit yet, instead of adding another step to your daily skincare, just swap out the SPF-less lotion you’ve been using for a hydrating sunscreen.